
MichaelProfile Photo

My fandom started with Star Wars, Six Million Dollar Man, and James Bond (yes, as an 8 year old I idolized Roger Moore. So what?) As I got older, I got into more stuff (Sesame Street, Scooby-Doo, Justice League, G- Force: Guardians of Space, Tom & Jerry, Woody Woodpecker, and Looney Tunes). These days, my fandom had expanded into works other than cartoons (Castle, Brooklyn Nine-9, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Leverage, etc.), but I still watch cartoons and I'm still into Sci-Fi/ Fantasy as well. I am always looking for something new to obsess over, so drop me a suggestion!

July 13, 2023

Outlander S7E3 - Fandom Hybrid Podcast #249

#outlander Jamie and Claire struggle to pick up the pieces after the fire set by Wendigo Donner completely destroys their home. Jamie's dreams of the future may be closer to reality than expected when he tells Claire informa…