#thewheeloftime The quintet from the Two Rivers are all facing challenges. Nynaeve faces her trials in The Arches, where she must face the fears of her past, present, and future. Perrin is forced to bow to the rule of the Sea...
#thewheeloftime Separated from his friends, Rand builds a new life for himself while trying to find ways to train. A new novice in the White Tower takes an interest in Egwene, just as Liandrin does with Nynaeve. Perrin finds ...
#thewheeloftime Six months after Rand's "death" at the Eye of the World, the group from the Two Rivers is picking up the pieces, and struggling in the process. Nynaeve and Egwene are novices in the White Tower, where Nynaeve'...
#thewheeloftime In the season one finale, a glimpse into the past reveals a conversation that may have led to the breaking of The Wheel 3000 years ago. Nynaeve encourages Lan to go after Moraine and Rand. The city of Fal Dara...
#thewheeloftime In the penultimate season one episode of The Wheel of Time, lots of truths are revealed as Moraine and the group make their way through The Ways - without Mat. Rand's origin story is revealed. In the aftermath...
#thewheeloftime Tensions arise in the White Tower with the return of Siuan Sanche - the Amyrlin Seat. Liandrin, Moraine, and Alanna are called to receive judgment after Logain's gentling. Political machinations and personal c...
#thewheeloftime Having suffered a heavy loss, the Aes Sedai return to the White Tower with the now-gentled Logain. Rand and Mat find their way into Tar Valon. Perrin and Egwene find themselves in trouble when they run into Ch...
#thewheeloftime The fate of the self-proclaimed Dragon Reborn is debated amongst the Aes Sedai. As Rand, Matt, and Thom find shelter for the night, Thom warns Rand of Mat's worsening condition. Egwene and Perrin continue trav...
#thewheeloftime After the events the led them to flee Shadar Logoth, our group finds themselves separated and trying to find the best path forward. Rand and Matt seek shelter in a small town, where friend or foe are hard to t...
#wheeloftime The gang from the Two Rivers continue to lead the Trollocs away from home. Eamon Valda and the White Cloaks hunt down the Aes Sedai. Moraine's life is in jeopardy as her wound gets worse. The group finds shelter ...
#thewheeloftime #amazon In this episode, we discuss the first episode of the Amazon Prime series, The Wheel of Time , based on the best-selling novels by Robert Jordan. It’s been 3000 years since the last Dragon walked the ea...